如果是昨天的我,肯定没有勇气开这篇帖子。在极客时间耗子叔的左耳听风专栏《程序员练级攻略:开篇词》中,看到这篇推荐文章《Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years》,然后读下去,突然有了沉下心的感觉。我想我可以花上一年,两年,十年甚至更多时间,去当一个自己心目中的程序员。
文章的作者是Peter Norvig,AAAI fellow,人工智能协会创始会员,ACM院士。这篇文章被耗子叔誉为“传世之文”,从满大街的“21天教你学会***”这一现象说起,讲述了如何耐心地花上更多,10年/10000个小时的时间来真正成为一个资深的程序员。文章不长,初读起来没有太大的感觉,因为其中的很多想法都或多或少地通过其他渠道阅读过。但读后回味,竟然真的能劝说我沉下心来打磨自己,一时感到有些诧异。
- Get interested in programming
- Program
- Talk with other programmers
- Go to college (or a graduate school)
- Work on projects with other programmers
- Work on projects after other programmers
- Learn at least a half dozen programming languages
- Remember that there is a “computer” in “computer science”
- Get involved in a language standardization effort
- Have the good sense to get off the language standardization effort as quickly as possible
* 踏踏实实地学习24个月(两年) *
Execution | Time |
execute typical instruction | 1/1,000,000,000 sec = 1 nanosec |
fetch from L1 cache memory | 0.5 nanosec |
branch misprediction | 5 nanosec |
fetch from L2 cache memory | 7 nanosec |
Mutex lock/unlock | 25 nanosec |
fetch from main memory | 100 nanosec |
send 2K bytes over 1Gbps network | 20,000 nanosec |
read 1MB sequentially from memory | 250,000 nanosec |
fetch from new disk location (seek) | 8,000,000 nanosec |
read 1MB sequentially from disk | 20,000,000 nanosec |
send packet US to Europe and back | 150 milliseconds = 150,000,000 nanosec |